Ahead of the Jayeshbhai Jordaar trailer release, Jayeshbhai (Ranveer Singh) sent a "special letter" and a scentless soap to actor Anushka Sharma. The actress shared pictures of herself holding the soap and the letter and she wrote in her caption: "Intrigued by the scentless soap and the special letter from Jayeshbhai - curious to know what will unfold tomorrow." In the comments section, Ranveer Singh wrote: "AYYYYY" along with heart eyed emojis. Jayeshbhai Jordaar has been backed by Yash Raj Films, the banner which gave both Ranveer and Anushka their big Bollywood breaks - Ranveer in Band Baaja Baaraat, while Anushka in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.
See Anushka Sharma's post here:
Here's a screenshot of Ranveer's comment on the post:
Turns out, Anushka Sharma was not the only actress to receive a scentless soap and letter. Katrina Kaif too got one. "An unscented soap. A silent protest. A celebration of girl power! We need more men like #Jayeshbhai! Watch the trailer of Jayeshbha iJordaar out now," she wrote.
About the unscented soap reference, the trailer of Jayeshbhai Jordaar begins with a girlchild complaining to the sarpanch (Boman Irani) about the alcoholism problem and eve teasing near schools, requesting a ban on alcohol. However, his outrageous solution to the problem is that girls must stop using scented soaps in order to provoke men.
Ranveer Singh and Anushka were rumoured to be dating during the release of Band Baaja Baaraat, which was Ranveer's debut film. They also co-starred in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl. They appeared together in the third season of Karan Johar's chat show Koffee With Karan. Ranveer and Anushka's last co-starred together in the 2015 film Dil Dhadakne Do.
Anushka Sharma is married to cricketer Virat Kohli and the couple are parents to a daughter named Vamika, while Ranveer Singh married Deepika Padukone in 2018. The couple were last seen together in 83, which Deepika also co-produced.
In terms of work, Ranveer Singh was last seen in 83. He will next be seen in Cirkus, an adaptation of Shakespeare's play The Comedy Of Errors. He will also star in Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, co-starring Alia Bhatt.
Chakda Xpress is Anushka Sharma's first project after the birth of daughter Vamika, who she welcomed in 2021. The actress wad last seen in the 2018 film Zero. However, she was involved in multiple projects as a producer over the last few years.