The Sui Dhaaga trailer released on August 13 not just to loud cheers but also to make way for innumerable memes, featuring Anushka Sharma, who plays a simple village woman named Mamta in the movie. And with each passing day, the Internet keeps adding to the list of memes with hilarious takes on real-life situations. Now, while the Internet is at its creative best when it comes to Sui Dhaaga memes, guess who appears to be enjoying the memes most? It's none other than Anushka's Sui Dhaaga co-star Varun Dhawan, who plays her husband Mauji in the movie. On Wednesday, Varun spotted yet another meme featuring Mamta and sharing it on Twitter, he wrote: "Memes ki rani, Mamta... hahahaha!"
#MEMESkirani #mamta hhahaha
— Varun MAUJI Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) August 29, 2018
And look who joined in:
superbbbb !!
Guess, Anushka Sharma had the last laugh?
It all started when in a particular scene in the trailer, an emotionally overwhelmed Mamta waves to Mauji on his return from what appears to be a tiresome journey, and her expression caught the Internet's attention. Here's how the Sui Dhaaga memes are taking over the Internet.
When you're on a local bus & somebody offers you a seat. #SuiDhaagaMadeInIndiaTrailer #SuiDhaagaTrailer
— Shaw Stopper (@iam_anush) August 14, 2018
When you finally recognise your Uber after 30 min of struggle on road.
— Akram (@akramismm) August 14, 2018
Mom's reaction after I cleared 12th exams on my 5th attempt.
— PhD in Bakchodi (@Atheist_Krishna) August 14, 2018
Anushka Sharma In Unusual
— (@iinsafianz) August 20, 2018
Anushka sharma never disappoint us
— Muneeb Hassan (@badtameez_af) August 26, 2018
This is Epiccc#AnushkaSharma #SuiDhaga
— Deepika (@DeepikaNutrite) August 21, 2018
Sui Dhaaga recently released its first song Chaav Laaga, which documents Mamta and Mauji's tumultuous journey from being life partners to business partners. Varun and Anushka play rural entrepreneurs in the movie, who struggle to create a home-grown brand amidst a world of cut-throat competition. While promoting the song on his Instagram story, Varun hilariously plugged in an Anushka meme which said: "If you don't love me at my Krav Maga (a form of martial arts), you don't deserve me at my Chaav Laga." Lol. The photo used by Varun for Anushka appears to be from her Sultan days.
Here's the song for you:
Directed by Sharat Katariya, Sui Dhaaga releases on September 28.