Zoya Akhtar's The Archies completed one year on Saturday. The film marked the debut of several young actors, including Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda and Vedang Raina. To celebrate this milestone, Vedang, who played Reggie Mantle in the project, shared a heartfelt post on Instagram. He posted a montage featuring behind-the-scenes (BTS) moments, a picture of the clapperboard from the sets, a group photo with the crew and a solo shot of himself in character as Reggie Mantle.
In his caption, Vedang Raina wrote, “1 year ago today, my first film The Archies came out and it changed my life in more than a few ways. If not for landing that audition I'd probably be doing my 2nd year MBA right now. I knew somewhere in my heart from the years of auditioning that acting was my calling, but I would've never had the courage to admit it if not for this opportunity. This project was more than just a film for me.”
Thanking director Zoya Akhtar, Vedang Raina wrote, “Can never thank you enough Zoya, for believing in me. So many amazing memories and the beginning of some really special friendships. Miss u guys. Here's to 1 year.”
Vedang Raina's latest movie, Jigra, also recently made its OTT debut on Netflix. Highlighting this achievement, Vedang noted how it marks his second consecutive project on the streaming platform. Sharing his excitement, Vedang said, “Also Netflix India 2 in a row.” Reacting to the post, Zoya Akhtar wrote, “4 Evah!”
In addition to Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda and Vedang Raina, The Archies also features Mihir Ahuja, Aditi Saigal and Yuvraj Menda in pivotal roles. Set in the fictional Anglo-Indian community of Riverdale in 1964 India, the film explores the lives of Archie, Betty, Ronnie, Reggie, Jughead, Ethel, Dilton, Moose and Midge as they band together to save the historic "Green Park" from being demolished. The Archies premiered at the 54th International Film Festival of India in November 2023 and was released globally on Netflix on December 7, 2023.