Yes, that's actor Arjun Kapoor exiting filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker's office on Monday night. Arjun Kapoor hid his face from the shutterbugs stationed outside the director's Bandra office. The Internet's guess is that Arjun was trying to ensure that his new look in upcoming film Panipat remains a secret. Arjun wore a red hoodie and covered his face with a black mask and sunglasses. "Panipat begins. I'm sure you have this entire new look on your face which will be a major surprise for all of us. I love how you hide these looks before shooting. Give your best all the best!" wrote an excited fan. "Curiosity level = infinite," read another tweet while another fan added: "Imagining the look below hoodie... goosebumps."
As per several media reports, Arjun Kapoor will go bald to play the role of a Maratha warrior in Ashutosh Gowariker-directed period piece. The film is based on the 'Third Battle of Panipat' fought between the Maratha Empire lead by Sadashiv Rao Bhau and invading forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali, King of Afghanistan, on the big screen. The film also stars Sanjay Dutt, Madhuri Dixit and Kriti Sanon.
Here are pictures of Arjun Kapoor:
And here are some Twitter reactions:
[NEW] Baba @arjunk26 turned into a masked-man ..hiding his new avatar from #Panipat ?
— TEAM ARJUN KAPOOR (@Team_Arjun) November 19, 2018
Curiosity level = infinite
PANIPAT begins!!!!!! I'm sure you have this entire new look on your face which will be a major surprise for all of us i love how you hide these looks before shooting
— Samia | AK (@SamiaWasid) November 19, 2018
[NEW PICS] Pehchaan kaun?! Arre it's our baba @arjunk26 !! OMG he is concealing his look it seems for #Panipat..aahhh!! We can't wait to see it! | Spotted leaving @AshGowariker 's office recently
— Arjun Kapoor FC USA (@arjunkusafc) November 19, 2018
@arjunk26 only thing which excites me 24/7... #Panipat all dreams ard u..coz u know how been waiting for such warrior role for u after I watched slb's LongTermwish..coming true...
— Jayshree (@JaySO_9) November 19, 2018
All blessings n good wishes...
Imagining the look below hoodie n goosebumps
In Panipat, Arjun Kapoor plays the role of Sadashiv Rao Bhau while Sanjay Dutt has been cast as Ahmad Shah Abdali. Speaking about casting Arjun as the Maratha leader, Ashutosh Gowariker earlier told IANS: "What impresses me most about Arjun, apart from his fine performances - is his dynamism. He has played double roles twice, and he has portrayed an action hero as well as a lover boy."
Ashutosh Gowariker has directed period films such as Lagaan, Jodhaa Akbar and Mohenjo Daro. The first two films were very well received by critics and performed exceptionally well at the box office (Lagaan was also nominated in Oscar's Best Foreign Language film category). However, 2016's Mohenjo Daro tanked at the box office.
Panipat is expected to open in theatres in December 2019.