Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal watched Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar's upcoming film Saand Ki Aankh at a special screening held on Tuesday evening in Delhi. He watched the film along with his family. Mr Kejriwal posted pictures along with his family and the film's lead actresses Taapsee and Bhumi on his Twitter profile, wherein he described the Tushar Hiranandani-directed film as "very inspiring." On Wednesday morning, Mr Kejriwal tweeted, "Watched the film Saand Ki Aankh with my family last evening... The story of Shooter Dadis, Chandro and Prakashi Tomar is very inspiring. Congrats Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar."
Here's what Arvind Kejriwal tweeted:
Watched the film Saand Ki Aankh with my family last evening.. The story of Shooter Dadis, Chandro and Prakashi Tomar is very inspiring. Congrats @taapsee and @bhumipednekar
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) October 23, 2019
Bhumi Pednekar thanked the Delhi Chief Minister for watching her film. The 30-year-old actress posted pictures from the screening on her Instagram profile and she wrote: "Thank you Arvind Kejriwal Sir for coming down with your family to watching our little gem Saand Ki Aankh and making the evening so special."
Take a look at Bhumi Pednekar's post here:
Saand Ki Aankh will open in theaters on Friday. However, special screenings of the films were hosted by the makers of the film earlier this week, which were attended by several Bollywood stars including Varun Dhawan, Ananya Panday, Sonakshi Sinha, Kartik Aaryan among others.
Varun Dhawan appreciated the film, saying, "Saand Ki Aankh is a beautiful film made by Tushar. Bhumi, you are wow. Taapsee, you are superb."
#SaandKiAankh is a beautiful film made by @tushar1307. @bhumipednekar u are wow @taapsee u are superb. The entire cast take a bow. Nidhi tushar proud of u guys go watch it
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) October 22, 2019
Kartik Aaryan reviewed the film on Twitter and wrote: "Lovely and powerful. Congratulations Tushar for a solid debut." Speaking about his Pati Patni Aur Woh co-star Bhumi Pednekar, Kartik Aaryan wrote: "Patni ji aapki jitni tareef karein, kam hai. Taapsee, you are amazing as always. Claps for both the womaniyas and the entire team."
#SaandKiAankh Lovely Powerful n impactful !!
— Kartik Aaryan (@TheAaryanKartik) October 22, 2019
Congratulations @tushar1307 for a solid debut @bhumipednekar Patni ji aapki jitni tareef karein Kam hai @taapsee u r amazing as always
Claps for both the womaniyyas
And the entire team !!
Saand Ki Aankh has been directed by Tushar Hiranandani and it has been co-produced by Anurag Kashyap and Nidhi Parmar. Saand Ki Aankh showcases the story of India's oldest sharpshooters Prakashi Tomar and Chandro Tomar, who began sharpshooting in their fifties.