Don't be surprised if you see Hrithik Roshan on the top of Twitter's trends list on Tuesday. The actor, who is busy with the promotional duties of Vikram Vedha, interacted with media on Monday, where he was asked about the two ambitious projects that he is reportedly a part of - Ayan Mukerji's Brahmastra 2 and Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana. News agency PTI quoted Hrithik as saying: "What is happening? Nothing is happening. Next Fighter will start and then there is potential for others to be made, the ones you spoke of. Fingers crossed."
After Brahmastra's release, a section of the Internet was convinced that Deepika Padukone will star in the Brahmastra: Part Two - Dev. While Deepika had a blink-and-miss appearance in the film, the character of Dev remains a mystery. Ranveer Singh and Hrtithik Roshan are rumoured to be the top picks for the character of Dev.
Several fan theories pertaining to the film have been doing the rounds, especially regarding Amrita and Dev, the principle characters of the film's second instalment. In a recent Instagram post, the film's director Ayan Mukerji wrote: "All the amazing fan theories out there (some of which we're definitely going to use in our future)."
In the first leg of the Astra universe of films, Ranbir Kapoor's character Shiva is a missing puzzle of the Brahmastra. He is represented by the element fire. Amitabh Bachchan and Nagarjuna are the protectors of a secret society called Brahmansh, which aims to protect the mighty Brahmastra. Alia Bhatt plays Ranbir Kapoor's love interest Isha in the film, while Mouni Roy represents the dark forces that wish to attain the Brahmastra. In the film, SRK's character Mohan Bhargav is a scientist, who doubles up as the protector of the Brahmastra. He also possesses the Vanar Astra, which grants him speed and agility. Nagarjuna is the master of the Nandiastra, which gives him the power of a thousand bulls.
(With inputs from PTI)