In March, Ajay Devgn and Kajol's daughter made her ramp walk debut and now, the Runway 34 actor has talked about his daughter's much-awaited Bollywood debut. In an interview with Film Companion, when Ajay was asked about Nysa's Bollywood debut, he said, "I don't know if she wants to come into this line. To this moment she has shown disinterest. anything can change anytime with children. she is abroad, she is studying right now." Last month, Nysa had left everyone impressed by her ramp walk. She had walked the ramp for designer Manish Malhotra.
Manish Malhotra had shared a photo of Nysa from the fashion show and had captioned it as "@nysadevgan Gorgeousssssss." Nysa Devgn was dressed in a black slit skirt and looked stunning. She was part of the FDCI X Lakme Fashion Week Show, which was held at Delhi.
Check out Nysa Devgn's photo:
Nysa Devgn is studying International Hospitality at Switzerland's Glion Institute of Higher Education. Kajol is often seen sharing photos and videos of/with her daughter Nysa and shares miss you notes. On Nysa's birthday, Ajay Devgn had wished her by writing, "Happy Birthday, dearest Nysa. Small joys like this are the only 'break' in stressful times like these. Also, a sincere prayer for all those who need healing."
On the work front, Ajay Devgn is waiting for the release of Runway 34, co-starring Amitabh Bachchan and Rakul Preet Singh. The film has been directed and produced by Ajay. Runway 34 is inspired by the true event from 2015 when the Jet Airways flight from Doha to Kochi flight had a narrow escape, after facing difficulties in landing at the Cochin International Airport due to bad weather and unclear visibility early morning.
The film will release on April 29.