Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli occupied a spot on the list of trends on Saturday after his sister Bhawna Kohli Dhingra answered a question about their baby Vamika. Bhawna was interacting with her fans during an 'Ask me anything' session when a user asked her: "Have you met Vamika? Whom does she looks like? Anushka or Virat?" To this, Bhawna Kohli Dhingra replied: "Yes, we have and she's an angel." Anushka Sharma married Virat Kohli in December 2017. The couple met for the first time to shoot a commercial for a shampoo together in 2013 and after dating for several years, they got married at a countryside resort in Tuscany in a private ceremony. Anushka and Virat welcomed their first child - daughter Vamika - on January 11 this year (more on that later).
See Bhawna Kohli Dhingra's reply here:
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli keep their daughter away from media and paparazzi. Recently, during an 'Ask me anything' session on Instagram, Virat Kohli shared the meaning of Vamika's name and added: "We have decided as a couple to not expose our child to social media before she has an understanding of what social media is and can make her own choice."
Virat Kohli is currently in England with Anushka and Vamika for the world test championship.
In terms of work, Anushka Sharma made her debut in Bollywood with the 2008 film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. She has starred in films like Patiala House, Ladies vs Ricky Bahl, Sultan, NH10, Band Baaja Baaraat, Dil Dhadakne Do, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Jab Tak Hai Jaan, Pari, Sanju, Sui Dhaaga and Zero.
Anushka, who is also a producer, has not announced her new film yet.