Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, accompanied by daughter Ira, led the Bollywood tributes at Lata Mangeshkar's funeral on Sunday in Mumbai. The legendary singer, 92, died in Mumbai's Breach Candy Hospital, where she was being treated for COVID-19 and pneumonia. She was given a funeral with state honours on Sunday evening. Lata Mangeshkar's last rites were attended by several dignitaries including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The film fraternity turned out to pay their respects, among them actor Shah Rukh Khan.
Aamir Khan, along with daughter Ira, paid tribute to Lata Mangeshkar.
Ranbir Kapoor, pictured here laying a wreath, was also at Lata Mangeshkar's funeral.
Vidya Balan was present to pay her last respects as well.
Lata Mangeshkar's sister and singer Asha Bhosle also paid tribute to the late singer.
Shraddha Kapoor, who is related to Lata Mangeshkar, was at the funeral and also visited the hospital on Saturday evening.
Earlier on Sunday, Amitabh Bachchan, daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Shraddha Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Madhur Bhandarkar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali were pictured at Lata Mangeshkar's house.
Lata Mangeshkar, known as the 'Nightingale of India,' had sung in Hindi, Marathi, Bengali and other regional languages. She was honoured with the Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Dadasaheb Phalke Award as well as several National and Filmfare Awards. Lata Mangeshkar's last complete album was for 2004 Bollywood release Veer-Zaara.
Lata Mangeshkar began singing to support her family after the death of her father Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar 1942. He was a classical singer and theatre actor. In Bollywood, Lata Mangeshkar got her first major break with the song Dil Mera Toda from the 1948 film Majboor. However, her song Aayega Aanewaala from the movie Mahal (1949) became her first major hit.