Ananya Panday recently made headlines when she attended an event with her rumoured boyfriend Walker Blanco. The couple, who were first spotted together at a high-profile wedding, made an appearance at producer Amritpal's birthday bash in Mumbai on Tuesday. While there were no pictures of Ananya and Walker together, Orry shared a bunch of photos with both of them separately. In Orry's Instagram post, Ananya was seen dressed up in a green moss one-shouldered dress, while Walker looked dapper in a black t-shirt and a blue cap. Other celebrities present at the birthday bash included Vicky Kaushal, Suhana Khan, Bhumi Pednekar, Khushi Kapoor, Vedang Raina, Sharvari and Arjun Kapoor. Additionally, Orry's birthday photo dump also featured Sunny Shanaya Kapoor, Isabelle Kaif, Angad Bedi, Kim Sharma, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Sajdeh and Bhavana Panday. Take a look:
Back in October, Walker Blanco posted a sweet birthday wish for Ananya Panday on his Instagram Stories. Sharing a picture of the actress, Walker wrote, “Happy birthday beautiful. You are so special. I love you Anniee!" Read more about it here.
Ananya Panday was previously rumoured to be dating Aditya Roy Kapur. The actress addressed the rumours of dating Aditya on the last season of Koffee With Karan 8. When Karan Johar told her, "Denying your relationships, isn't that a bit last season," she replied, "I don't think it is last season, I think it's forever. You should... I am not saying you should deny your relationships or accept them. You should just do what works for you and I think some things are private and special and it should be kept that way."
On the work front, Ananya Panday was last seen in Vikramaditya Motwane's screenlife thriller CTRL. She is currently shooting for the second season of Call Me Bae. Ananya also has Chand Mera Dil in the line-up.