Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan is receiving love from all quarters. Be it the songs or SRK's killer dialogues, the Atlee film is making all the right noises. Jawan has also become the fastest Hindi film to enter the Rs 500-crore club. Now, it is eyeing to touch the Rs 1000-crore mark at the worldwide box office. The Jawan effect, did we hear? Now, Atlee has revealed that he was approached by Hollywood directors after the release of the film. Speaking to Film Companion, Atlee said, “People who worked on our film [Jawan] were from Hollywood. Action director Spiro Razatos worked with us. So, Spiro and other great directors and technicians from Hollywood were at the same screening of Jawan. And, Spiro said, ‘I have done action in this film.'”
Atlee also spoke about the particular action sequence loved by the “great directors and technicians.” FYI: Shah Rukh Khan's introduction scene. When his character Vikram Rathore finally wakes up and saves the village.
Atlee added, “So, they [directors and technicians] asked Spiro who has done that scene where SRK is engulfed in flames. He [Spiro] said, ‘It was the director's [Atlee] vision and he [Atlee] executed it.'”
Atlee continued, “So they immediately connected with me and told me, ‘If you want to work in Hollywood, let us know.'”
On Jawan's blockbuster performance worldwide, Atlee said, “So it [action sequences] isn't a taste which is very desi. It is something superheroic and it has a very basic rhythm. I thought this idea only works for us but it is working globally.”
Earlier in the day, trade analyst Taran Adarsh said that Jawan is on the verge of crossing Baahubali 2's (Hindi) lifetime collection. Taran Adarsh's post read, “Jawan is on the verge of crossing Baahubali 2 Hindi [third highest grossing film] today… Packs a SOLID punch in Weekend 3… Next target: Gadar 2 and of course, Pathaan… [Week 3] Friday 7.10 crore, Saturday 11.50 crore, Sunday 13.90 crore. Total: ₹ 505.94 crore. Hindi. India business. Box office Note: Nett BOC. Jawan [Tamil + Telugu; Week 3] Friday 51 lacs, Saturday 75 lacs, Sunday 1.05 crore. Total: ₹ 57.26 crore. Box office.”
Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, Jawan also features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanjay Dutt and Deepika Padukone (special appearance). The film was released worldwide on September 7.