Manoj Bajpayee has shared an update on The Family Man 3. The actor has wrapped up the shoot for the third season of the Prime Video series. Oh boy, we cannot wait for it to arrive on the OTT platform now.
On Saturday (December 28), Manoj Bajpayee announced the happy news on his Instagram Stories. A picture of the clapperboard featured in the post. The words, “It's a wrap” can be seen scribbled on it. Manoj Bajpayee celebrated the occasion by relishing a nutty-flavoured chocolate cake. “2024 shoot wrap” is written with white icing on two chocolate bars kept atop the dessert. The side note read, “Shooting wrapped. For The Family Man 3. Aur thoda intezaar (Just a little more wait.”
Check out the story here:
Back in September, Manoj Bajpayee flew to Nagaland for the filming of The Family Man 3. Alongside the crew members, he was accompanied by his co-stars Shreya Dhanwanthary, Sharib Hashmi and Dalip Tahil. Shreya treated fans to a goofy picture on her Instagram Stories. Sharing the frame were Manoj Bajpayee and Sharib flashing joyous smiles. “With our number 1 man,” Shreya captioned the post.
Previously, Manoj Bajpayee revealed that he was having fun shooting for The Family Man's upcoming installment. In an interaction with Pinkvilla he said, “Mujhe bahut mazaa aa raha hai. Abhi shooting chal rahi hai. Ek schedule khatam kiya hai humne. Raat ko dedh baje jaa ke soya hu main aur phir aapke iske liye aana tha. Main Family Man ki hi shooting kar raha tha" (I am enjoying a lot. The shooting is going on. We have wrapped up a schedule. I slept at 1:30 AM and then I had to come for the masterclass)."
The Family Man, created by the filmmaker duo Raj and DK, follows the story of Srikant Tiwari (Manoj Bajpayee). Srikant is a middle-class man leading a double life as an intelligence officer for the Threat Analysis and Surveillance Cell (TASC). The spy-action series also features Priyamani, Neeraj Madhav, Sharad Kelkar and Sunny Hinduja in crucial roles.