Tiger Shroff announced the fourth installment of his popular Baaghi franchise last month. Directed by A. Harsha, the action-packed film is set to hit theatres on September 5, 2025. After unveiling the first-look poster of Tiger Shroff, the makers have now dropped Sanjay Dutt's poster. Seated on a throne, dressed in blood-soaked clothes, and holding a lifeless woman in his arms, Dutt's portrayal conveys a sense of deep pain and fury. The tagline, "Every Aashiq Is A Villain," suggests that Dutt will play the role of an antagonist, possibly driven by the loss of a loved one.
"Every Aashiq is a Villain" 🔥 Presenting @duttsanjay in #Baaghi4 💥 #SajidNadiadwala's #Baaghi4
— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) December 9, 2024
Directed by @NimmaAHarsha
Starring @iTIGERSHROFF @rajatsaroraa @WardaNadiadwala @TSeries @PenMovies pic.twitter.com/yVWwkYHp1q
In November this year, Tiger Shroff shared the first poster of the upcoming film on Instagram, which hints at a darker and more intense tone. In the poster, Tiger is seen sitting on a toilet seat with a knife in hand and a bottle of alcohol nearby. His face, the walls, and the floor are splattered with blood, while several dead bodies lie around him. Tiger captioned the post, "A darker spirit, a bloodier mission. This time he is not the same! #SajidNadiadwala's #Baaghi4 Directed by @nimmaaharsha." A. Harsha, the director of Baaghi 4, is known for his work in Kannada cinema, with films such as Birugaali, Chingari, Bhajarangi, Anjani Putra, and Vedha among his credits.
The Baaghi franchise began in 2016 with the release of the first film, directed by Sabbir Khan. A high-octane action thriller, Baaghi was inspired in part by the 2004 Telugu film Varsham and the 2011 Indonesian film The Raid: Redemption. The film starred Tiger Shroff, Shraddha Kapoor and Sudheer Babu. The sequel, Baaghi 2, came out in 2018, directed by Ahmed Khan and was a remake of the Telugu film Kshanam. It featured Tiger alongside Disha Patani, Manoj Bajpayee, Randeep Hooda and other key actors. The third installment, Baaghi 3 (2020), was once again helmed by Ahmed Khan and was partially inspired by the Tamil film Vettai. It featured Tiger, Riteish Deshmukh and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles.
On the work front, Tiger Shroff made his Bollywood debut in 2014 with Sabbir Khan's Heropanti. He has been a part of several hit films, including Baaghi, Baaghi 2, Baaghi 3, War, Student of the Year 2, Munna Michael, A Flying Jatt, Heropanti 2 and Ganapath among others. He was last seen in Singham Again.