Another day, another update about Varun Dhawan's Baby John. On Sunday, the makers released a new poster of the project, featuring Varun in a striking avatar. The actor appears shirtless, flaunting his washboard abs. His rugged look, complete with a beard and long hair, deserves special mention. Against a fiery backdrop, Varun holds a flambeau in each hand. The poster comes with the announcement that the taster cut of the film will be released tomorrow (November 4) at 11 am. Notably, the Baby John taster cut is already being screened in cinemas. It is attached to the big Diwali releases Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. Sharing the poster on Instagram, Varun Dhawan wrote, “Good vibes guaranteed with this Baby #BabyJohnTasterCut, out tomorrow.” Reacting to the post Sophie Choudry and Tony Kakkar dropped fire emojis.
Earlier, Varun Dhawan thanked his fans for watching and loving the Baby John taster cut in cinemas. He shared a motion poster of the movie, which shows him holding a rifle in one hand and a glass of tea in the other. The side note read, “Baby, the LEGEND begins now #BabyJohnTasterCut, only in cinemas now.thank u for the response.”
Before that, the makers of Baby John announced that the movie's taster cut would be exclusively released in cinemas. They shared a long note, requesting fans to avoid piracy. It read, "As we prepare to unveil Baby John, we want to take a moment to express how much this project means to us. It's more than just a film; it's the culmination of our hard work, dedication, and passion. We've poured our hearts into creating a cinematic experience that we believe will resonate with audiences in both single screens and multiplexes alike. We're excited to announce that we will be releasing an exclusive Taster Cut of Baby John for the very first time which will be exclusively running in cinemas from 1st November and digitally worldwide from 4th November". Click here to read the full note.
Directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, Baby John will be hitting the big screens on December 25. The movie also features Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, Jackie Shroff and Rajpal Yadav in important roles.