Arbaaz Khan's girlfriend Giorgia Andriani was in a creative mood recently (her words) and decided to have some fun with sleepy head Arbaaz Khan. She shared an ROFL video on Instagram, in which she can be seen shaving Arbaaz Khan's stubble. The Italian model added loads of thought bubbles in the video with some of her ROFL commentary. Giorgia gave us two options to chose from while judging the video as she captioned it this way: "Being a barber or being barbaric!? What say?" The video began with a glimpse of Arbaaz resting on a couch in the balcony, which was accompanied with this description: "Dinbhar sona, complete coma."
Soon after Giorgia made a quick trip to the washroom to fetch the shaving kit. While she adorably smeared Arbaaz's face (who was apparently sleeping), with shaving foam, Giorgia said: "I'm just frosting... I feel like an artist." LOL. The last step in the video was when Giorgia decided to shape the shaving foam like a toothbrush moustache. "Charlie Chaplin or Hitler?" she wrote before giving Arbaaz a clean shave. The video ends with Arbaaz's reaction to Giorgia's salon skills and he rated it with a thumbs-up!
Couple goals, eh?
Meanwhile, Giorgia is also cooking up a storm in her kitchen, preparing delicacies such as Goan Fish Curry and Banana Bread. Her mantra is simple: "Can't be in Goa, but can definitely get a taste of it at home! Sharing another one of my lockdown cooking recipes with you."
Arbaaz Khan was previously married to Malaika Arora and two are parents to a teenaged son Arhaan. Arbaaz was last seen in Salman Khan's Dabangg 3.