Television actor Deepesh Bhan, best known for playing Malkhan in the popular serial Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, died on Saturday morning. He was 41. The actor played several comical roles on the small screen in his career. His fans and celebrities paid their condolences to the late actor's family on social media. TV star Kavita Kaushik remembered her FIR co-star in a tweet that read: "In shock, pained with the news of Deepesh Bhan passing away at the age of 41 yesterday, a very important cast member in f.i.r , Was a fit guy who never drank/smoked or did anything to harm his health, left behind a wife and one year old child and parents and us all."
According to Times Of India report, Deepesh was playing cricket today morning when he collapsed and was taken to the doctor. His co-actor Charrul Malik paid tribute to the late actor. She told TOI, "I can't believe it still. I got to know about it in the morning. I just met him yesterday and he was all fine. We made a few reel videos together. I know him since eight years and he was closest to me on the sets. We used to eat our food together. Apart from being a talented actor, he was an amazing human being too. He used to guide me through my scenes. We have lost an amazing human and an actor."
Last year, Deepesh lost his mother. In an emotional note he wrote: "Maa tum kyu chali gai. Love u maa tum bhaut yaad aaogi.I'll miss u maa.aakhiri samay mai pitaji leney aaye hongey tumhe (Mom, why have you left. Love you mom. I will miss you. In the last moment, dad must've have to take you)."
Deepesh had also worked in serials like Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah and May I Come In Madam? He is survived by his wife and child.