RGV says 3D has been used to add value to the story.
After raising the bar of new agehorror films with Bhoot, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma plans tohit the bulls eye once again with its sequel Bhoot Returnsin 3D, which he claims will enhance the fear factor.
"I have not made a 3D film in my career...this is thefirst one. The 3D effect has always fascinated me. I think theright application of it (3D) in a horror film is going toenhance the element of fear," Varma told PTI in an interview.
Varma, whose last film Department did not do well atthe box office, says that the content of the film is importantand 3D has been used to add value to the story.
"A film does not work alone on technique be it 3D oranything. The 3D technique enhances the content in variousways. In case of Bhoot Returns 3D effect will create aheightened sense of reality," he said.
With Bhoot Returns Varma has managed to garner interestby launching an innovative first poster, which has an opticalillusion of a girl with a bleeding lip.
Also, the trailer features a little girl playing with apartly visible spirit in the living room in the wee hours.This scene has been captured on a webcam.
The original, a 2003 release starred Ajay Devgn andRGV returns with Bhoot sequel in 3D to spook audience.
"Technically, I wanted to make a sequel that had nothingto do with the original story and star cast. I felt Manishaand JD were perfect for the film. I don't know if it is easyor difficult part to make a horror film. I am very excited tohave made this film," Varma said.
"Horror is a deep emotion of fear. There are peoplewho feel like challenging a horror film and hence they come towatch it. While there are few people who either don't watchhorror films or even if they see it they close their eyes.
As a filmmaker Varma feels a horror film can backfireif not presented well.
"As a filmmaker it is impossible for me to keep in mindwhat kind of people will watch what kind of horror films. Ihave to be true to what I think is scary but that does notnecessarily mean it will scare the audience. If any film whichis not presented well will backfire..its not only restrictedto horror films," he said.
Bhoot dealt with a simple everyday couple who getsubjected to a ghost in a haunted apartment. Carrying thattradition forward Bhoot Returns will be about a familytrapped in haunted house in a terrifyingly situation.
To shoot this film in a haunted house, Varma chose ahouse in the suburbs of Mumbai. The first owner of the househad committed suicide in the premises. The current ownerwillingly gave the house to Varma for the shoot with a promiseof not giving out the address of the house in the movie or themedia. It is learnt that it is TV and film producer EktaKapoor's house.
Bhoot Returns marks the comeback of actress ManishaKoirala along with her co-star JD Chakravarthy. The film willbe released in theatres on October 12.
"I have not made a 3D film in my career...this is thefirst one. The 3D effect has always fascinated me. I think theright application of it (3D) in a horror film is going toenhance the element of fear," Varma told PTI in an interview.
Varma, whose last film Department did not do well atthe box office, says that the content of the film is importantand 3D has been used to add value to the story.
"A film does not work alone on technique be it 3D oranything. The 3D technique enhances the content in variousways. In case of Bhoot Returns 3D effect will create aheightened sense of reality," he said.
With Bhoot Returns Varma has managed to garner interestby launching an innovative first poster, which has an opticalillusion of a girl with a bleeding lip.
Also, the trailer features a little girl playing with apartly visible spirit in the living room in the wee hours.This scene has been captured on a webcam.
The original, a 2003 release starred Ajay Devgn andRGV returns with Bhoot sequel in 3D to spook audience.
"Technically, I wanted to make a sequel that had nothingto do with the original story and star cast. I felt Manishaand JD were perfect for the film. I don't know if it is easyor difficult part to make a horror film. I am very excited tohave made this film," Varma said.
"Horror is a deep emotion of fear. There are peoplewho feel like challenging a horror film and hence they come towatch it. While there are few people who either don't watchhorror films or even if they see it they close their eyes.
As a filmmaker Varma feels a horror film can backfireif not presented well.
"As a filmmaker it is impossible for me to keep in mindwhat kind of people will watch what kind of horror films. Ihave to be true to what I think is scary but that does notnecessarily mean it will scare the audience. If any film whichis not presented well will backfire..its not only restrictedto horror films," he said.
Bhoot dealt with a simple everyday couple who getsubjected to a ghost in a haunted apartment. Carrying thattradition forward Bhoot Returns will be about a familytrapped in haunted house in a terrifyingly situation.
To shoot this film in a haunted house, Varma chose ahouse in the suburbs of Mumbai. The first owner of the househad committed suicide in the premises. The current ownerwillingly gave the house to Varma for the shoot with a promiseof not giving out the address of the house in the movie or themedia. It is learnt that it is TV and film producer EktaKapoor's house.
Bhoot Returns marks the comeback of actress ManishaKoirala along with her co-star JD Chakravarthy. The film willbe released in theatres on October 12.