The word "nepotism" has been trending on Twitter all of Monday morning, courtesy Bigg Boss 14 contestant Rahul Vaidya. Colors, the channel which airs the reality show, recently shared glimpses of tonight's episode in a promo, in which singer Rahul Vaidya can be seen nominating Jaan Kumar Sanu, citing nepotism as the reason. Rahul Vaidya says while others are part of Bigg Boss 14 because of "hard work", Jaan found entry on the show because of his father's reputation. Jaan, also a singer, is the son of Kumar Sanu. "I would like to nominate Jaan Kumar Sanu. I hate nepotism. Whoever has come on the show, they've come on the basis of their hard work. Jaan is on the show because he's someone's son," Rahul says in the promo.
The promo shows Rahul's statement leads to an altercation between him and Jaan. "I'm fortunate that my Mr Kumar Sanu is my father. Not everybody is that lucky. Unfortunate for you," says Jaan, to which Rahul replies: "I don't need my father to be somebody."
While Nishant Singh Malkani and Rubina Dilaik were the first ones to rebuke Rahul Vaidya for his decision, support for the Indian Idol participant poured in on Twitter, who applauded him for daring to speak of "nepotism" on a show like Bigg Boss 14.
Watch glimpses of Rahul Vaidya's verbal encounter with Jaan Kumar Sanu here:
#BiggBoss ke ghar mein @rahulvaidya23 ne uthaya @jaankumarsanu pe nepotism ka fayda uthane ka ilzaam! Kya gharwalein honge unse sehmat?#BB14 tonight 10:30 PM only on #Colors.
— COLORS (@ColorsTV) October 26, 2020
Catch #BiggBoss14 before TV on @VootSelect. #BiggBoss2020 @BeingSalmanKhan
On Twitter, one user wrote: "Rahul Vaidya, well done, finally someone had the guts to say this" while another added: "Whatever you have said was so perfect!" Another tweet said: "Rahul Vaidya has raised the voice of the people of India on such a big platform!" Several Bigg Boss 14 viewers also tweeted that if Rahul Vaidya is eliminated for speaking out, they will boycott the show. Punjabi singer Sara Gurpal, who was evicted in the first round elimination round, wrote "Hard work pays off" in a tweet.
#Nepotism ki pta nhe.Humare toh kahi durr durr tak koi iss industry mei nhe tha humne khud pehchaan bnai hai and aage b koshish hai.#RahulVaidya ne ek Reality show k bad apne parents ko proud Kia and that's commendable.If you reading this then your time wil come.#hardworkpaysoff
— Sara Gurpal (@SGurpal) October 26, 2020
#RahulVaidya well done, finally someone have guts to say this #Nepotism @rahulvaidya23
— Priyanka Vishnoi???????? (@PriyankaVishn29) October 26, 2020
well done #RahulVaidya for showing the mirror to the products of #Nepotism
— ᴠɪᴋᴀsʜ (@VaderCalls) October 26, 2020
#RahulVaidya has raised the voice of the people of India on such a big platform, it is truly a praise for the ability of @rahulvaidya23
— Shivdatt thakare (@Shivdattthakar1) October 26, 2020
Now if #RahulVaidya is removed from #BiggBoss14 house, then understand that people have no ability to hear the truth of#Nepotism
#RahulVaidya #Nepotism #BiggBoss14
— Ravinderjit Kaur (@Ravinde08930632) October 26, 2020
If they eliminate Rahul just for he say about nepotism then I will never see again big boss.
He have right to convey his thoughts.
What is wrong in this.
Everyone corner Rahul in bigboss house.
Stay strong @rahulvaidya23
Meanwhile on Bigg Boss 14, the contestants were joined by actress Kavita Kaushik, model Naina Singh and TV actor Shardul Pandit as wild card entries over the weekend.