Shamita Shetty started trending on Twitter after several stars supported the actress. Recently, during an episode of Bigg Boss 15, Tejasswi Prakash referred to Shamita Shetty, 42, as "aunty." Several stars slammed Tejasswi Prakash for "age-shaming" the Mohabbatein actor. Bipasha Basu tweeted this in support of Shamita: "Age shaming disgustingly ,then saying sorry... beyond pathetic! If this is a winner for anyone or a role model it's truly sad. If you are insecure attack your man who makes you feel insecure instead of pulling other women down." She added the hashtags #biggboss15 and #shameful.
Read Bipasha Basu's tweet here:
Age shaming disgustingly ,then saying sorry..beyond pathetic !If this is a winner for anyone or a role model it's truly sad.If you are insecure attack your man who makes you feel insecure instead of pulling other women down #biggboss15 #shameful
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) January 26, 2022
Meanwhile, Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan wrote this: "Disgusting behaviour. It just keeps getting worse. Calling someone aunty is still proof of your insecurity but chadh gayi uspe is sheer filth of someone's mindset. Shamita was such a sport. You can't teach dignity, it's inbuilt."
Later, Shamita's sister Shilpa Shetty thanked Gauahar Khan in a tweet and wrote: "Thank you Gauahar Khan for being so vociferous. Takes a strong woman to take up for another, That you are. Respect. Never give up on 3 things. Your family, your heart or your dignity. Shamita Shetty, so proud, you showed grace under fire."
Thankyou @GAUAHAR_KHAN for being so vociferous.Takes a strong woman to take up for another, That you are.#respect
— SHILPA SHETTY KUNDRA (@TheShilpaShetty) January 27, 2022
Never give up on 3 things. Your family , your heart or your Dignity . @ShamitaShetty so proud, u showed grace under fire #ShamitaIsTheBoss #ShamitaShettyForTheWin
Shamita Shetty is best known for her performances in Mohabbatein, Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai and Zeher. She has also participated in realty shows like Bigg Boss 3, Bigg Boss OTT and Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 8. She also starred in the web-series Black Widows, alongside Swastika Mukherjee and Mona Singh.