The drama inside the Bigg Boss 18 house is increasing with each passing day. In the latest episode, Rajat Dalal and Avinash Mishra are seen getting into a heated argument with Digvijay Rathee over Eisha Singh. A video of the verbal-turned-physical spat was posted on X (formerly Twitter). The situation escalates with Eisha asking Digvijay to “shut up” presumably after Digvijay said something offensive to her. Rajat Dalal joins the fight. He holds Digvijay's T-shirt and pulls it aggressively. “Tameez mein reh tameez mein (Behave yourself),” warns an angry Rajat as the other housemates try to pull him away from Digvijay.
Instead of getting scared, Digvijay Rathee calls out Rajat Dalal and says, “Hogayi shuru gunda gardi (He has begun his gangster ways).” Later, Avinash jumps into the fight and attacks Digvijay in the bedroom area.
In another segment, it is Vivian Dsena who intervenes. He does not support Digvijay Rathee and tells him, “Auroton se aise baat karega? (This is how you will talk to women?)”. Digvijay, in his defense, said that Eisha Singh started the whole thing.
Tomorrow's Episode: Biggest fight of this season - Rajat, Avinash & Vivian CHARGED ON
— #BiggBoss_Tak???? (@BiggBoss_Tak) December 4, 2024
Digvijay Rathee and Eisha Singh's verbal alteration started after Digvijay won a biscuit task, reported Times of India. Eisha attempted to snatch the biscuits from him and grab the hamper but Digvijay stopped her. He insisted that Eisha should have asked him before taking the biscuits. Hence, a heated argument began with Digvijay accusing Eisha of spreading rumours that he liked her. Digvijay went a step further calling foul names to Eisha which deeply offended her.
Not long ago, Eisha Singh bagged the Time God challenge after she partnered with Avinash Mishra.
Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan premieres on Colors TV and is available for streaming on JioCinema.