Divya Agarwal, who got married to Apurva Padgaonkar on February 20, shared inside pictures from her sangeet ceremony today. In the pictures shared, Divya and Apurva, dressed in their party best, can be seen having a blast. Sharing the pictures, Divya wrote in the caption, "Found my happily ever after, and a great mixologist! Sipping on happiness and surrounded by the people we love most. This is our special night!" FYI, Divya Agarwal is best known for winning Bigg Boss OTT 1. Take a look:
Divya and Apurva got married following Marathi tradition. Sharing the wedding pictures, Divya wrote in the caption, "From this moment on, our love story continues." In the pictures shared, the couple can be seen wearing matching bridal outfits. Take a look:
ICYMI, they hosted a futuristic themed cocktail party for their friends and colleagues on Sunday night. Divya wore a pastel-coloured shimmery outfit while Apurva suited up. They happily posed for the shutterbugs. The guest list included Eijaz Khan, Terence Lewis, Nikki Tamboli, Suyyash Rai, Akash Choudhary and Nibedita Pal, Mohit Hiranandani and his wife.
Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar got engaged in December 2022. Divya shared a series of photos with her fiance and she captioned the post: "Will I ever stop smiling? Probably not. Life just got more sparkly and I found the right person to share this journey with. His #BaiCo. A forever promise. From this important day, I will never walk alone. Rab Rakha." Take a look:
Divya Agarwal also appeared on reality shows like MTV Splitsvilla 10, Ace of Space 1. She made her acting debut with the horror web series Ragini MMS: Returns 2.