Bigg Boss OTT winner Divya Agarwal married restaurateur Apurva Padgaonkar earlier this week. Divya has now shared some fun-filled pictures from her mehendi ceremony on Instagram and she captioned it, "Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Punjab ka Pind came alive for my mehendi! Every shade, every step, every laugh - etched in henna and forever in my heart." For the festivities, Divya Agarwal wore a bright yellow outfit from the shelves of Asbaab by Madiha Farooq. Divya can be seen dancing in the pictures. We also got a glimpse of her henna design.
Check out the post here:
A round up from the wedding festivities. "Found my happily ever after, and a great mixologist! Sipping on happiness and surrounded by the people we love most. This is our special night," Divya captioned the album.
Sharing photos from the Cocktail night, Divya wrote, "Warning: Excessive joy and dance moves ahead. This is what happens when you mix good people, good music, and bucket full of love."
Divya and Apurva shared pictures from their wedding day on Instagram earlier this week and they captioned the post, "From this moment on, our love story continues...Rab Rakha."
Divya Agarwal got engaged to Apurva Padgaonkar in December 2022. "Will I ever stop smiling? Probably not. Life just got more sparkly and I found the right person to share this journey with. His #BaiCo. A forever promise. From this important day, I will never walk alone. Rab Rakha," she wrote announcing the engagement.
Divya Agarwal appeared on the TV reality shows Ace Of Space and Spiltsvilla. She also won the first season of Bigg Boss OTT.