Pooja Bhatt, who is currently the captain of the Bigg Boss OTT house, has often made headlines this season owing to her strong stance and outright nature. Be it taking a stand for housemates like Aashika Bhatia or challenging housemates such as Abhishek Malhan – the actress has always put her best foot forward in the Bigg Boss house. Recently, in the 24*7 live feed, Pooja Bhatt was captured talking about her half-sister actress Alia Bhatt and her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor. The conversation started when Avinash Sachdev pointed out how a few contestants brag about their social media following. In the clip, Pooja Bhatt, Jad Hadid and Avinash Sachdev are seen sitting in the garden area. Initiating the topic, Avinash says, "The person with whom I've talked the most be it you (Jad), Falaq, Jiya, Pooja ji, I've never asked you all about social media following. To this Jad adds, "We have never discussed this at all. We never mentioned social media.” Pooja Bhatt also highlighted how Abhishek Malhan and Jiya Shankar brag about their social media following. She further compared them to her half-sister Alia Bhatt, who has a social media following of 78.4 million followers.
Pooja said, "Meri behen ka joh social media following hai, the population of some countries is not that high. My sister Alia Bhatt has a humongous social media following and that is not what she brags about ever. So, that is followers.” The actress-turned-filmmaker also talked about her step-brother-in-law Ranbir Kapoor. She said that Ranbir is a star, who can act and that's a rare combination. Pooja told Avinash and Jad, “Ranbir is not on social media, he is a star in the real sense of the word. He's a star who can act, that's a rare combination. He stays away from the number game. Then they said, but Ranbir mentioned that he has fake accounts, I told them accha. He makes fake profiles so that he can read others. They have information about everyone. Maturity has nothing to do with age and energy,” she added.
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Pooja Bhatt is Mahesh Bhatt's daughter from his first marriage to Kiran Bhatt. Kiran passed away in 2003. Mahesh Bhatt is currently married to Soni Razdan. They are parents to two daughters, Alia Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt.