R Madhavan's birthday wish for wife Sarita Birje is the definition of adorable. On Thursday, the actor shared a stunning picture of Sarita on his Instagram profile and added a super cute caption to it. He wrote: "To the most caring, dynamic, determined loving and strong woman I know." He added, "And thankfully she is also the love of my life. Happy birthday my love." Madhavan signed off the post saying, "Vedaant (Sarita and Madhavan's son) and I will be lost if not for you." In the comments section, Shilpa Shetty wrote: "Aww! Happiest Birthday. You are the best. Wishing you love , happiness and great health."
Take a look at Madhavan's post here:
Madhavan and Sarita Birje got married in the year 1999. The couple are parents to a 14-year-old son named Vedaant. Check out some of Madhavan and Sarita's posts together:
On their wedding anniversary this year, Madhavan shared this post and wrote: "When everything I want to think and say about how fortunate I am to have you as my soulmate, is inadequate Sarita. Happy anniversary my love. I can't thank God enough."
Madhavan has featured in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and English films. His well-known Bollywood films include 3 idiots, Rang De Basanti, 13 B, Tanu Weds Manu, Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein and Zero to name a few. The actor will next be seen in Rocketry: The Nambi Effect. The actor was last seen in the thriller Nishabdham. It is streaming on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.