Actress Kajal Aggarwal, who is getting married to entrepreneur Gautam Kitchlu on October 30 in Mumbai, occupied a spot on the list of trends after she dropped a comment on his latest Instagram entry. On Monday, Gautam Kitchlu posted a super cute albeit tiny photograph of himself along with the actress. He simply added infinity and a balloon emoji to his post, no caption needed. In the comments section, bride-to-be Kajal dropped a mushy comment that read: "Even this post reflects an element of design." She added the hashtag #mysuperaestheticfeyonce. Kajal's sister Nisha Aggarwal also dropped a few heart emojis in the comments section.
Take a look at Gautam Kitchlu's post here:
Here's what Kajal wrote in the comments section:
Meanwhile, Kajal and her sister Nisha celebrated the big news by sharing super cute pictures, in which the Singham actress could be seen wearing a sash that read: "Bride-to-be."
Last week, the actress announced her wedding on social media. She shared a statement, an excerpt from which read, "It gives me immense joy to share that I am getting married to Gautam Kitchlu, on October 30, 2020 in Mumbai, in a small, private ceremony surrounded by our immediate families."
Later, in her statement, Kajal thanked her fans and well-wishers for their "unending support" and added that she will "continue to entertain" her audience. Kajal added, "This pandemic has certainly shed a sobering light on our joy, but we are thrilled to start our lives together and know that all of you will be cheering us on in spirit. I thank you for all the love you have showered upon me over the years and we seek your blessings as we embark upon this incredible new journey. I will still continue doing what I cherish the most - entertaining my audience - now, with a whole new purpose and meaning. Thank you for your unending support."
Read Kajal Aggarwal's statement here:
Kajal Aggarwal, who stepped into the Hindi film industry with Kyun! Ho Gaya Na, is best-known for her performances in films such as Singham, co-starring Ajay Devgn, Special 26, opposite Akshay Kumar and Do Lafzon Ki Kahani. She has also been a part of several Tamil and Telugu films. Her upcoming projects include Mumbai Saga, Acharya, Mosagallu, Hey Sinamika, Paris Paris and Kamal Haasan's Indian 2.