Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron, who directed the hugely successful 3D flick Avatar today expressed his willingness to share his expertise with Indian filmmakers if they wish to use make 3D movies.
"If any Indian producer or director wishes to make use of our 3D cameras and other tools to make a film, I will be happy to help them," Cameron said at an event here.
He said he would like to help filmmakers, who wished to make movies on epics like Mahabharata or Ramayana.
Cameron said he has started writing the script for the sequel of his science fiction film Avatar II and was also working on Avatar III.
Avatar II would be going into the oceans of Pandora, and eventually expand to other moons in the solar system, he said.
"A part of the focus in the second film would be in creating a different environment," Cameron said.
"If any Indian producer or director wishes to make use of our 3D cameras and other tools to make a film, I will be happy to help them," Cameron said at an event here.
He said he would like to help filmmakers, who wished to make movies on epics like Mahabharata or Ramayana.
Cameron said he has started writing the script for the sequel of his science fiction film Avatar II and was also working on Avatar III.
Avatar II would be going into the oceans of Pandora, and eventually expand to other moons in the solar system, he said.
"A part of the focus in the second film would be in creating a different environment," Cameron said.