Deepika Padukone is all set for the Cannes Film Festival. Ahead of her appearance at the French Riviera this year, the actress has an important question to ask. The 33-year-old actress kept her Instafam engaged on Wednesday by asking an interesting question related to the colour of her outfit. Deepika did a poll on her Instagram story and asked her fans if she should wear a red outfit on a red carpet. About 69 % fans voted yes while 31% voted no. "Do you think I should wear red on a red carpet," asked Deepika. It will be interesting to see if Deepika sticks to the consensus or surprises her fans.
Here's a screenshot of Deepika Padukone's Instagram story:
Interestingly, this will not be the first time that Deepika will be seen donning a red outfit on a red carpet. Earlier this year, Deepika opted for a red outfit at the Zee Cine Awards. Take a look at the picture here:
Deepika Padukone made a stunning appearance in a red Prabal Gurung gown at last year's Met Gala. This is what we are talking about:
This will be Deepika Padukone's third year at the Cannes Film Festival. The "Padmaavat" actress represents the cosmetics giant L'Oreal. Besides Deepika, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut, Diana Penty, Mallika Sherawat, Huma Qureshi and TV actress Hina Khan will also be present at the Cannes Film Festival, which is scheduled from May 14-May 25 this year.
In terms of films, Deepika Padukone will next be seen in Meghna Gulzar's Chhapaak, co-starring Vikrant Massey.