Captain Planet and the Planeteers will be produced by Mark Gordon, Don Murphy and Susan Montford.
Los Angeles:
Captain Planet is soon going to come out of comic books and animated versions for a big screen live-action adaptation.
Titled Captain Planet and thePlaneteers, the movie is officially under development at SonyPictures.
The big-screen version of the environmental cartoon superhero is tobe produced by Mark Gordon, Don Murphy and Susan Montford, theHollywood Reporter said.
The 1990s toon series told the story of five teens fromaround the world, who were chosen to be the bearers of powerfulelemental rings which would help them protect the planet fromthe devastation of looters and polluters.
Dr Blight, Verminous Skumm and Duke Nukem were some ofvillains that the Captain and the Planeteers faced offagainst.
Andrea Giannetti will oversee the production for Sony. Asof now, no director and screenwriter have been finalized to workon the project yet.
A feature adaptation was initially about to take form inthe 1990s, but it only reached the script stage. In the late2000s, Murphy and Montford almost succeeded to turn theFan favourite series into a Cartoon Network film, but it againfailed to come true following a new pro-pollution policyadopted by the Network.
Titled Captain Planet and thePlaneteers, the movie is officially under development at SonyPictures.
The big-screen version of the environmental cartoon superhero is tobe produced by Mark Gordon, Don Murphy and Susan Montford, theHollywood Reporter said.
The 1990s toon series told the story of five teens fromaround the world, who were chosen to be the bearers of powerfulelemental rings which would help them protect the planet fromthe devastation of looters and polluters.
Dr Blight, Verminous Skumm and Duke Nukem were some ofvillains that the Captain and the Planeteers faced offagainst.
Andrea Giannetti will oversee the production for Sony. Asof now, no director and screenwriter have been finalized to workon the project yet.
A feature adaptation was initially about to take form inthe 1990s, but it only reached the script stage. In the late2000s, Murphy and Montford almost succeeded to turn theFan favourite series into a Cartoon Network film, but it againfailed to come true following a new pro-pollution policyadopted by the Network.