Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley andhusband Peter Haag became proud parents of two healthy boystoday.
The twins have been named Winston and Viraaj.
"Yes our angels from heaven are here and we are veryhappy. Celina and the boys are doing very well healthwise too.We just want everyone to bless our handsome boys," Haag saidin a statement.
The 30-year-old actress and her Dubai-based Austrianbusinessman husband can't wait to get home to spend somequality time with the twins.
Jaitley a former Miss India Universe, announced herengagement to Haag in January and married him in July lastyear, at a thousand year old monastery in Austria. The coupleare based in Dubai and will visit Mumbai very soon.
The twins have been named Winston and Viraaj.
"Yes our angels from heaven are here and we are veryhappy. Celina and the boys are doing very well healthwise too.We just want everyone to bless our handsome boys," Haag saidin a statement.
The 30-year-old actress and her Dubai-based Austrianbusinessman husband can't wait to get home to spend somequality time with the twins.
Jaitley a former Miss India Universe, announced herengagement to Haag in January and married him in July lastyear, at a thousand year old monastery in Austria. The coupleare based in Dubai and will visit Mumbai very soon.