Actress Celina Jaitly shut down a troll who posted an offensive tweet about her, replying to him in kind and urging Twitter to take action. The distasteful tweet made unsavoury allegations about Celina's connections with father and son Feroz and Fardeen Khan – Feroz Khan directed Fardeen and Celina in their 2003 debut film Janasheen. In an excoriating rebuke, Ms Jaitly, 41, replied to the troll: "Dear Mr Sandhu, hope posting this gave you the much needed girth and length to become a man and some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are other ways to fix your problem… like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime." She also tagged the Twitter Safety handle, which resolves complaints about harassment among other issues, adding: "Please take action." Several responses in the comments thread urged Celina Jaitly to consider filing a defamation suit as well; others have praised her reply.
See Celina Jaitly's response to the troll here:
Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 11, 2023
Celina Jaitly started out participating in beauty pageants. She was crowned Miss India in 2001 and represented India at Miss Universe where she finished as fourth runner-up. After featuring in some music videos, Celina made her debut in Janasheen with Fardeen Khan and was then cast opposite Sunny Deol in Khel.
Celina's film credits, in a moderately successful career, include Thank You, Apna Sapna Money Money, No Entry and Golmaal Returns. She was last seen in Season's Greetings, a short film released in 2020.
Celina Jaitly is married to Austrian businessman Peter Haag and they are parents to three sons.