Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor's new film Chhichhore is a huge hit with the masses. Surprisingly, Chhichhore has picked up pace with each passing day over the week, reported trade analyst Taran Adarsh. On Thursday, Chhichhore recorded a score of Rs 7.50 crore, which is higher than its Day 2 and Day 6 numbers. In its first week, Chhichhore witnessed "fantastic" box office numbers and wrapped the week with as much as Rs 68.83 crore, with which the film inched closer to the ambitious Rs 100 crore bounty. Here's what Mr Adarsh tweeted: "Chhichhore surpasses all expectations, estimations and calculations... Packs a fantastic total in Week 1... En route Rs 100 cr... Fri 7.32 cr, Sat 12.25 cr, Sun 16.41 cr, Mon 8.10 cr, Tue 10.05 cr, Wed 7.20 cr, Thu 7.50 cr. Total: Rs 68.83 cr. India biz. HIT."
In his post, Mr Adarsh added: "Chhichhore Day 7 [Thu] is higher than Day 1 [Fri] and Day 6 [Wed]... Power of solid content... Excellent trending!"
Taran Adarsh also shared the opening week business of a few 2019 films, which scored on similar lines and Uri: The Surgical Strike tops the list with Rs 71 crore. Next in ranking are Luka Chuppi, Chhichhore, Badla and then Article 15.
Last Friday, Chhichhore arrived in theatres to compete with films like Akshay Kumar's Mission Mangal and Prabhas' Saaho at the box office. This Friday, Chhichhore was joined by two much-awaited movies - Ayushmann Khurrana's comedy Dream Girl and courtroom drama Section 375, starring Akshaye Khanna and Richa Chadha.
Chhichhore is Nitesh Tiwari's first directorial project after Dangal.