On Tuesday, Chiranjeevi shared a photo with his wife Surekha and revealed that they are heading for a "brief" holiday. This is Chiranjeevi's first International flight since the pandemic. Sharing the pic, Chiranjeevi wrote, "First international travel since the pandemic! About to take off to USA and Europe for a brief holiday with Surekha after a long time. See you all soon!" Chiranjeevi's daughter-in-law Upasana Kamineni Konidela commented, "Have a super time Athama and Mamaya," followed by a hugging emoji. Chiranjeevi's photo has close to two lakh likes.
Chiranjeevi and Surekha Konidela got married in February 1980 and they have three kids, two daughters, Sushmitha and Sreeja, and a son, Ram Charan.
Check out the post here:
On February 18, the Konidela family celebrated Surekha's birthday. Ram Charan had wished his mother by sharing a sweet photo from the sets of Acharya and it was captioned as "No one knows me like you do!! Happy birthday maa."
Check out the post here:
Ram Charan's wife Upasana Konidela had also wished her mother-in-law on her birthday. She had shared a sweet video, with glimpses of their happy moments. The video was captioned as "Happy Happy Birthday my dearest Athama. Ur the core of our married life. Thank you for sharing RC & rhyme with me. Love u loads @konidalasurekha."
Check out the post here:
On the work front, Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi were last seen in Acharya, which released on April 29. The film also has Kajal Aggarwal and Pooja Hegde. Chiranjeevi is currently shooting for his upcoming film Godfather, a Telugu remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer. Salman Khan will also be seen in the film.