It's Christmas today, which means that the Internet is bombarded with special posts and Bollywood stars have also shared festive greetings on their social media accounts. While some actors celebrated the festival on the sets of their movies, others shared pictures wearing Santa caps and some simply posed next to Christmas trees. Vicky Kaushal, who recently received a National Award for his performance in Uri: The Surgical Strike, shared a picture of himself wearing a Santa cap, standing next to a Christmas tree and wrote "Merry Christmas" on his Instagram story.
Take a look at Vicky Kaushal's post here:
Sanjay Dutt posted a family photo, in which he, Maanyata and their kids Shahraan and Iqra can be seen dressed in colour-coordinated traditional outfits. "Nothing better than spending time with your family during the holiday season! Here's wishing everyone a Merry Christmas," wrote Sanjay Dutt. Maanyata posted several heart emojis in the comments section.
Take a look at Sanjay Dutt's post here:
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas decorated cookies, especially for the festival.
Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor celebrated the festival on the sets of their film Dostaana 2. Kartik shared a picture from the sets of the film and wrote: "Merry Christmas. From the team of Dostana 2. Wrap for the 2nd schedule for all of us in 2019."
Bhumi Pednekar posted a picture of herself next to a Christmas tree and she wrote: "Merry Christmas. Spread love and joy."
Karisma Kapoor summed up the very spirit of Christmas as she posed next to a Christmas tree and wrote: 'Tis the season to pose by the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas everyone."
Sara Ali Khan's Christmas greeting features her father Saif Ali Khan.
Here are some more Christmas greetings shared by Bollywood celebs:
How are you celebrating Christmas this year? Tell us using the comments section below.