Akshay Kumar and Shahid Kapoor definitely qualify for Dads Of Instagram posts! A day after Christmas, Mira Rajput introduced Shahid Kapoor as a "bulging" Santa Claus while Twinkle Khanna shared a glimpse of "Daddy Claus" Akshay Kumar and "elf" Nitara. On Thursday morning, Twinkle Khanna shared an adorable photo of Akshay Kumar and daughter Nitara with a cute little caption dedicated to the father-daughter duo. In the photo, the Good Newwz actor is dressed up like Santa Claus as he hands over colourfully wrapped gifts to Nitara. "Santa with his favourite elf Daddy Claus," Twinkle captioned her Christmas post and added: "Merry Christmas." Twinkle and Akshay are also parents to teenaged son named Aarav.
Take a look at Twinkle's Christmas post-card here:
Meanwhile, Mira Rajput appeared to troll Santa Claus for a little bit of holiday weight resulting in a belly bulge with a hilarious caption: "Santa really got into the groove of getting fit and healthy after Christmas last year. He even chose running over Rudolph. But like us all, even he struggles with the last bit of belly bulge. Happy Holidays," she wrote.
Earlier, Mira Rajput was spotted celebrating Christmas with her cousins with daughter Misha and son Zain in tow. "Nothing like family," she captioned her photos.
On the work front, Akshay Kumar's Good Newwz hits screens on Friday, in which he co-stars with Kareena Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani. Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in sports drama Jersey.