To say the trailer of Rohit Shetty's Cirkus is trending would be an understatement. The trailer released on Friday and it has been trending big time. The film features Ranveer Singh in the lead role and boasts of a super impressive cast that includes Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde, Varun Sharma, Tiku Talsania, Johnny Lever, Sanjay Mishra and Vrajesh Hirjee. Phew! This, however is the story of the star whose surprise cameo appearance eclipsed everything else - Deepika Padukone, who appears at the end of the trailer with husband Ranveer Singh. The clip appears to be from a dance number. The Internet, of course, can't keep calm and this is what euphoric Deepika Padukone fans tweeted after the release of Cirkus trailer.
First, check out the trailer of Cirkus here:
"DeepVeer in frame after so long," tweeted an excited fan.
"Honestly the best part of the Cirkustrailer was Deepika Padukone," read another tweet.
"Won't lie! May have repeated this part 10 times already... The energy," read another tweet. Understandable.
Like we said earlier, the Deepika Padukone surprise eclipsed everything.
Similar thoughts echoed in another tweet.
Cirkus, an adaptation of Shakespeare's play The Comedy Of Errors, has been directed by Rohit Shetty. The film is slated to release on December 23.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's first film together was Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela (2013), which was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The couple have also co-starred in Bajirao Mastani and "Padmaavat." The couple also shared screen space in Kabir Khan's sports drama '83.