Comedian-actor Rajeev Nigam, who is best-known for featuring in The Great Indian Laughter Challenge 2, shared an emotional note on his Facebook profile over the weekend. The comedian, on his birthday (November 8), lost his son Devraj. On his unverified Facebook profile, the comedian announced the sad news. Sharing a cherished memory in the form of a throwback picture with his son, an emotional Rajeev Nigam wrote: "What a surprise birthday gift... Mera beta Devraj aaj mujhe chhod ke chala gaya... Bina birthday cake kaate... Pagle aisa gift koi deta hai (My son Devraj left me today... Without even cutting my birthday cake.... Who gives a gift like this)?"
Fans and followers of the comedian paid tribute to his late son in the comments section of his Facebook post. Read Rajeev Nigam's post here:
What a surprise birthday gift... mera beta devraj aaj mujhe chod ke chala gaya.. bina birthday cake kaate... pagle aisa gift koi deta hai....
Posted by Rajeev Nigam on Sunday, 8 November 2020
About two years ago, the comedian, in a Facebook post, had shared that his son was critical and was on the ventilator. He had asked his well-wishers to pray for his son's better health. Rajeev Nigam had reportedly returned to his hometown Kanpur due to his son's deteriorating health.
Mera beta kal se bahut critical hai ..ventilator pe hai..aap sab log uske liye pray wo jaldi swasth ho jaaye...
Posted by Rajeev Nigam on Thursday, 10 May 2018
Rajeev Nigam stepped into the Indian comedy circuit with the second season of the reality comedy show The Great Indian Laughter Challenge 2. He later appeared in many episodes of the show Comedy Circus. He also featured in the sitcom Har Shaakh Pe Ullu Baithaa Hai, which marked his acting debut. In terms of work, Rajeev Nigam was also seen in the TV series Maa Exchange in 2011, along with his wife Anuradha Nigam.