Court Relaxes Restraining Order Against Chris Brown

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Los Angeles: R&B singer Chris Brown isnow allowed to talk to ex-girlfriend Rihanna after arestraining order against him was relaxed by a US judge.

The amended order enables the 21-year-old to be nearRihanna and speak to her, as long as he doesn't annoy orharass her, reported People magazine online.

Brown had been required to stay at least 50 yards awayfrom Rihanna, or 10 yards at entertainment industry functions,as part of his sentencing for assaulting the Umbrella singerin 2009.

Rihanna's lawyer Donald Etra told a court hearing thathis client gave her blessing to the changes.

"I have spoken with my client and she does not objectto it being modified to a level one order," he said.

The level one order means Brown and Rihanna, 23, nolonger have to stay 10 yards apart if they attend the sameawards ceremonies.

"I am approving the order. You can't annoy, molest orconduct surveillance of the person on the order," the judgewarned the singer.

Brown was sentenced to five years' probation, orderedto complete more than 1,400 hours of community service andslapped with a restraining order after he admitted assaultingRihanna in the early hours of February 8 two years ago.

The R&B star handed himself in to Los Angeles policefollowing a bust-up with his then-girlfriend inside a rentedLamborghini in Hollywood.

Police notes from the scene reportedly stated thatBrown punched, bloodied and threatened to kill Rihanna.

The incident forced Rihanna to pull out of her Grammysperformance, which was due to take place just hours after theattack.

Brown, who pleaded guilty to one count of assault withthe intent of doing great bodily injury, also had to completea domestic violence counselling course as part of hissentence.

The singer completed the 52-week course in Decemberlast year and has received glowing reviews during hisprobation progress report hearings.

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