Several pictures of Shah Rukh Khan are doing rounds on social media from the sets of his much-awaited film Pathaan. The actor is shooting with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in Spain, and now some pictures from the set have been leaked, giving a glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan's look from the film. Seeing the images, one can say that the actor has undergone some drastic physical transformations that will leave all his ardent fans excited. One of the pictures showed him with eight-pack abs and long hair. Yes, the actor was standing topless on a balcony when the picture was clicked from far. As soon as the picture went viral, fans couldn't keep calm and bombarded the comment section with fire, heart and love truck emoticons.
Here have a look:
Some more pictures of Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone have surfaced on social media platforms. In one of the pictures, the actress was seen wrapped up in an orange jacket and styled her hair in beachy waves. While, Shah Rukh was seen sporting a jacket and a cap.
Here have a look:
Earlier, Deepika Padukone shared her picture from Spain and captioned it as, "In focus..."
Shah Rukh Khan's viral picture has come amid a report by India Today where a source claimed that SRK will be documenting his makeover for Pathaan. "Shah Rukh has been documenting his physical transition and how he has put on muscles for his role in Pathaan in a behind-the-scenes video series. In Pathaan, you will see him in a well-chiseled look and he will be releasing the BTS series closer to the film's release," India Today quoted a source.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan's fans have been eagerly waiting for him on the silver screen. He was last seen in the film Zero, co-starring Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma.