SS Rajamouli recently showed off his dancing skills at his nephew Sri Simha's pre-wedding celebration, and it is safe to say the internet is loving it. In a viral video, the ace director was seen having a blast on stage with his wife, Rama Rajamouli. The couple grooved to the super fun track Lunchkostava from the film Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammai, featuring Ravi Teja and Asin. SS Rajamouli matched steps with his wife, and the crowd could not get enough of the adorable duo. The moment was full of energy, with the audience cheering them on as they danced the night away.
Rajamouli's dance performance with his wife recently
byu/Glad-Ad5911 inBollyBlindsNGossip
SS Rajamouli got married to Rama Rajamouli in 2001. The couple are proud parents to two kids – son SS Karthikeya and daughter SS Mayookha.
Meanwhile, a documentary based on SS Rajamouli's blockbuster film RRR has been recently announced. RRR, which became one of the most successful Indian films ever, not only dominated the Indian box office but also left a significant mark globally. Released in 2022, the film featured Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn in key roles. The documentary, titled RRR: Behind & Beyond, will offer an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the film's creation and the magic that went into bringing it to life. The announcement was made on X (formerly Twitter) with a poster featuring SS Rajamouli and the tagline, "The story behind the glory." The post read, "The world saw the glory. Now witness the story! RRR: Behind & Beyond Documentary film coming this December #RRRBehindAndBeyond #RRRMovie."
The world saw the glory.
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) December 9, 2024
Now witness the story!
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Documentary film coming this December ???????? #RRRBehindAndBeyond #RRRMovie
In addition to RRR, SS Rajamouli is also celebrated for directing the epic Baahubali series, which became a monumental success, both in India and internationally. Known for his larger-than-life storytelling and grand visuals, Rajamouli's other notable works include films like Chatrapathi, Vikramarkudu, Yamadonga, Maryada Ramanna and Magadheera.