Salman Khan's Christmas offering Dabangg 3 has raked in a score of Rs 81 crore in its opening weekend, said trade analyst Taran Adarsh. Even though that's a decent collection, Mr Adarsh added that the box office numbers of Dabangg 3 have been affected by the nationwide protests against the against the new citizenship law that was cleared by parliament last week. Mr Adarsh assigned credit to the star-status of Salman Khan for Dabangg 3's Rs 81 crore: "Dabangg 3 partially regains lost ground on Day 3... Biz jumps across circuits... Loses a big chunk of *opening weekend* business [approx Rs 12 cr] due to protests... Day 4 [Mon] crucial... Christmas celebrations [Tue evening onwards and Wed] should boost biz... Dabangg 3 - despite protests affecting its business severely - packs Rs 80 cr+ in its *opening weekend*, primarily due to the super-stardom of Salman Khan... Fri 24.50 cr, Sat 24.75 cr, Sun 31.90 cr. Total: Rs 81.15 cr. #India biz. Note: All versions."
On it's opening day, Dabangg 3 made a collection of Rs 24 crore. He also compared the opening day collections of Salman Khan's releases of the past decade. Bharat topped the list with Rs 42.30 crore, followed by 2015's Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai.
#SalmanKhan versus #SalmanKhan... *Day 1* biz... 2010 to 2019...
- taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 21, 2019
2010: #Veer Rs 7 cr
2010: #Dabangg Rs 14.50 cr
2011: #Ready Rs 13.15 cr
2011: #Bodyguard Rs 21.60 cr
2012: #EkThaTiger Rs 32.93 cr
2012: #Dabangg2 Rs 21.10 cr
2013: #JaiHo Rs 17.75 cr
2014: #Kick Rs 26.40 cr
#SalmanKhan versus #SalmanKhan... *Day 1* biz...
- taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 21, 2019
2015: #BajrangiBhaijaan 27.25 cr
2015: #PRDP 40.35 cr
2016: #Sultan 36.54 cr
2017: #Tubelight 21.15 cr
2017: #TZH 34.10 cr
2018: #Race3 29.17 cr
2019: #Bharat 42.30 cr
2019: #Dabangg3 24.50 cr#India biz.
Directed by Prabhu Deva, Dabangg 3 received mixed responses from critics on Friday. In his review for NDTV, Saibal Chatterjee wrote: "Dabangg 3 provides fans of the franchise exactly what they are looking for - the lovable crime-buster who does not shy away from bending the rules when faced with situations and people that are tricky and spell trouble."