The 44-year-old has played 007 in the last three installments of the British spy film franchise.
Los Angeles:
Actor Daniel Craig has dismissedreports of a possible two-part James Bond movie afterSkyfall, insisting there is no way a Bond film could bedivided into two parts.
The 44-year-old has played 007 in the last threeinstallments of the British spy film franchise, reported AceShowbiz.
"No, I don't know where that's come from. It's impossibleto do a two parter, I heard that someone was talking aboutthat we're doing a two parter, but that's the first I've heardabout it.
"We can only do them one at a time, they take six monthsto shoot. You can't write one movie thinking about the next.All we're trying to do is get the next one sorted out andit'll stand on its own and if I'm able I'll do another oneafter that," he said.
Rumors that "Bond 24" and "Bond 25" would present astoryline that crosses in two successive films first sparkedwhen writer John Logan was confirmed to work on two more Bondfilms.
The twenty-fourth installment will likely begin filmingin Pinewood Studios in 2013, and the film itself is projectedfor a fall 2014 release. As for the twenty-fifth one, thetentative release date has yet to be unveiled.
The 44-year-old has played 007 in the last threeinstallments of the British spy film franchise, reported AceShowbiz.
"No, I don't know where that's come from. It's impossibleto do a two parter, I heard that someone was talking aboutthat we're doing a two parter, but that's the first I've heardabout it.
"We can only do them one at a time, they take six monthsto shoot. You can't write one movie thinking about the next.All we're trying to do is get the next one sorted out andit'll stand on its own and if I'm able I'll do another oneafter that," he said.
Rumors that "Bond 24" and "Bond 25" would present astoryline that crosses in two successive films first sparkedwhen writer John Logan was confirmed to work on two more Bondfilms.
The twenty-fourth installment will likely begin filmingin Pinewood Studios in 2013, and the film itself is projectedfor a fall 2014 release. As for the twenty-fifth one, thetentative release date has yet to be unveiled.