Los Angeles:
Two of Hollywood's hottesthunks, Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman, may come together in amovie adaptation of Stephen King's fantasy horror The DarkTower.
The film will be directed by Ron Howard and he hasconfirmed that he is in talks with the actors for the parts inthe adaptation, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The project, however, is yet to get a go ahead by astudio.
"We've been meeting and talking and I've beenresearching and just kind of living with it. I really can'tstop thinking about it.
"I've been constantly going through stuff and I'vejust been re-listening to it on audio books on my iPod andwe've been sending e-mails back and forth, 'What about thisapproach? What do you think of this idea?' We're finding theshape of it. We're moving quickly now, as quickly as we can,and I feel challenged in the most exciting ways," Howard said.
A series of The Dark Tower projects are currently inthe making, the first film is expected in 2013, followed by atelevision series, a second movie, more TV and then a finalfilm.
The film will be directed by Ron Howard and he hasconfirmed that he is in talks with the actors for the parts inthe adaptation, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The project, however, is yet to get a go ahead by astudio.
"We've been meeting and talking and I've beenresearching and just kind of living with it. I really can'tstop thinking about it.
"I've been constantly going through stuff and I'vejust been re-listening to it on audio books on my iPod andwe've been sending e-mails back and forth, 'What about thisapproach? What do you think of this idea?' We're finding theshape of it. We're moving quickly now, as quickly as we can,and I feel challenged in the most exciting ways," Howard said.
A series of The Dark Tower projects are currently inthe making, the first film is expected in 2013, followed by atelevision series, a second movie, more TV and then a finalfilm.