The 23-year-old actor will next be appearing in the upcoming Kill Your Darlings, starring as the poet Allen Ginsberg
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffehas claimed that Dustin Hoffman is inspiring his ambitions tobe a leading man.
The 23-year-old actor will next be appearing in theupcoming Kill Your Darlings, starring as the poet AllenGinsberg.
Radcliffe said that he wants to follow in the footstepsof his idol Hoffman and is looking at the veteran star and hiscareer, reported Daily Star.
"The person I've been looking at is Dustin Hoffman. Infact, I passed him the other day and he is absolutely on theshorter side, as am I. But he was in all those great roles,from action thrillers to romantic stuff. So there is a way ofdoing it unconventionally if you don't necessarily look likethe 6ft romantic lead," he said.
Radcliffe also said that his controversial role in theexplicit stage play Equus in 2007 helped establish him as aserious actor.
"Doing Equus was important. It showed people that Iwasn't just here to capitalise on the Potter fame for as longas I could. I think ultimately, I'm ambitious because I wantto prove everyone wrong who thinks that it's impossible toemerge from Harry Potter and do well," he added.
Radcliffe was named the fifth best-value actor (based onsalary to movie-gross ratio) in Hollywood in a recent list,placing behind Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart, Shia LaBeoufand Robert Pattinson.
The 23-year-old actor will next be appearing in theupcoming Kill Your Darlings, starring as the poet AllenGinsberg.
Radcliffe said that he wants to follow in the footstepsof his idol Hoffman and is looking at the veteran star and hiscareer, reported Daily Star.
"The person I've been looking at is Dustin Hoffman. Infact, I passed him the other day and he is absolutely on theshorter side, as am I. But he was in all those great roles,from action thrillers to romantic stuff. So there is a way ofdoing it unconventionally if you don't necessarily look likethe 6ft romantic lead," he said.
Radcliffe also said that his controversial role in theexplicit stage play Equus in 2007 helped establish him as aserious actor.
"Doing Equus was important. It showed people that Iwasn't just here to capitalise on the Potter fame for as longas I could. I think ultimately, I'm ambitious because I wantto prove everyone wrong who thinks that it's impossible toemerge from Harry Potter and do well," he added.
Radcliffe was named the fifth best-value actor (based onsalary to movie-gross ratio) in Hollywood in a recent list,placing behind Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart, Shia LaBeoufand Robert Pattinson.