Football heartthrob David Beckhamis a huge fan of body art and his latest addition, an image ofJesus and angels on his chest, took a painful 12 hours tocomplete.
The tattoo is of Jesus being lifted by three cherubs,and the 35-year-old says that it symbolises himself and histhree sons Brooklyn, 11, Romeo, 8, and Cruz, 6.
"It's Jesus being carried by three cherubs andobviously the cherubs are my boys and so my thought of it isthat at some point my boys are going to need to look after meand that's what they're doing in the picture. It means a lot,"said Beckham in a video posted on Facebook.
The tattoo is the handy work of one of Los Angeles'biggest tattoo artists, Mark Mahoney, who has worked on a longlist of famous names including Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt andAngelina Jolie.
"It was an 8-hour session which lasted until about 3o'clock in the morning. I then went back a few weeks later andwe did another 4 hours. It's really is amazing," said Beckham.
The tattoo is of Jesus being lifted by three cherubs,and the 35-year-old says that it symbolises himself and histhree sons Brooklyn, 11, Romeo, 8, and Cruz, 6.
"It's Jesus being carried by three cherubs andobviously the cherubs are my boys and so my thought of it isthat at some point my boys are going to need to look after meand that's what they're doing in the picture. It means a lot,"said Beckham in a video posted on Facebook.
The tattoo is the handy work of one of Los Angeles'biggest tattoo artists, Mark Mahoney, who has worked on a longlist of famous names including Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt andAngelina Jolie.
"It was an 8-hour session which lasted until about 3o'clock in the morning. I then went back a few weeks later andwe did another 4 hours. It's really is amazing," said Beckham.