After Kareena Kapoor's Rs 4 crore ad deal, Deepika Padukone's has now signed a Rs 6 crore endorsement deal.
After Kareena Kapoor's Rs 4 crore ad deal, Deepika Padukone's has now signed a Rs 6 crore endorsement deal.
Deepika Padukone's last film Cocktail opposite Saif Ali Khan may not have wowed the critics, but it sure has raked in the moolah for the actress in the ad world.
A source said that Deepika Padukone has recently signed an endorsement deal with a skin care brand for a whopping Rs 6 crore. This makes her one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood currently.
Another source said, "Her film Cocktail has paved the way for a lot of ad offers. Several brands have expressed interest in roping her in as their brand ambassador."
Deepika Padukone's last film Cocktail opposite Saif Ali Khan may not have wowed the critics, but it sure has raked in the moolah for the actress in the ad world.
A source said that Deepika Padukone has recently signed an endorsement deal with a skin care brand for a whopping Rs 6 crore. This makes her one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood currently.
Another source said, "Her film Cocktail has paved the way for a lot of ad offers. Several brands have expressed interest in roping her in as their brand ambassador."