Deepika Padukone's late-night Holi wish has our attention. She was a “little late to the party” but this didn't stop her from making a mark on the social media platform. The bouquet of flowers has added more colour to our feeds. Deepika has also penned a note for all her fans. She wrote “A little late to the party but Happy Holi everyone.” It's okay, Deepika. The bottom line is we all love you. The post became an instant hit on the social media platform. Fans have flooded the comment space with flower emojis. A few have also extended their Holi greetings to Deepika.
Those who follow Deepika Padukone will know how much she loves flowers. And, she loves to receive flowers as a gift on any given day. How do we know, you ask? She has announced it on Instagram. “When in doubt, you know what gift to send me,” her note was attached to a postcard featuring Tulips.
Now, take a look at the time when Deepika Padukone “choose to shine”.
Deepika Padukone is currently shooting for her upcoming film Pathaan in Spain. And, pictures of the actress looking drop-dead gorgeous in a neon monokini had created a storm [in a good way] on the Internet. Deepika's well-toned figure sent our hearts racing.
Pathaan will mark Shah Rukh Khan's return to the big screen after a drought of four years. Earlier, a photo of SRK's 8 pack abs had gone crazy viral on the Internet.
John Abraham is also part of Pathaan, directed by Siddharth Anand. The film is expected to release on January 25, 2023.