Kiran Rao made a stellar directorial comeback with her latest project, Laapataa Ladies, which was produced by her ex-husband Aamir Khan. The film has received widespread love and has been selected as India's official entry for the Best International Feature Film category at the Oscars 2025. On Saturday, Kiran hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on her Reddit account. During the session, a fan asked if Aamir Khan was involved in the direction of her films, especially considering that Kiran's two films – Dhobi Ghat and Laapataa Ladies – have been produced by Aamir.
The fan asked, “How much direction is done by Amir when he's involved in a film. Especially your films because both are his own production films." In response, Kiran Rao shared that Aamir Khan takes a “hands-off” approach when it comes to the direction of her films. She explained, “He is a really supportive producer – gets involved with key decisions such as casting and edit, but otherwise is pretty hands off, he doesn't even come to set!”
byu/KiranRaoOfficial from discussion
When a fan asked Kiran Rao about her favourite Bollywood director, she named Aamir Khan among others. She wrote, “Zoya Akhtar, Shakun Batra, Karan Johar, Mani Ratnam, Aamir Khan!” For the unversed, Aamir Khan directed his 2007 film Taare Zameen Par.
byu/KiranRaoOfficial from discussion
Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao got married in 2005 but parted ways in 2021. They share a son named Azad. Prior to Kiran Rao, Aamir Khan was married to Reena Dutta. The couple, who got married in 1986, divorced in 2002. Aamir and Reena are parents to two children: Ira Khan and Junaid Khan.
On the work front, Aamir Khan will next be seen in Sitaare Zameen Par, which is a spiritual sequel to his 2007 film Taare Zameen Par.