Dimple Kapadia's nephew Karan Kapadia's debut film, titled Blank, will hit the screens in May this year, the filmmakers revealed in an Instagram post on Tuesday. The filmmakers also shared a still from the work-in-progress film featuring Karan Kapadia and Sunny Deol. The two actors can be seen seated across a table in what looks like an interrogation room. Karan Kapadia is handcuffed and it seems the Sunny Deol is tasked with grilling the detainee. Blank, an action thriller, is directed by newcomer Behzad Khambata, who assisted Umesh Shukla on OMG! Oh My God and he was also the associate producer of 2017 film Behen Hogi Teri.
Here's an update from Karan Kapadia's film co-starring Sunny Deol:
Apparently, Karan's brother-in-law Akshay Kumar (married to Twinkle Khanna) has been roped in for a cameo role in Blank.
In an interview to news agency IANS, Karan Kapadia said that he lost several kilos and trained in martial arts for six months to prepare for his role. "I've learnt to ride a horse and the bike. I've been swimming and I trained in martial arts for six months in Bangkok," he was quoted as saying.
Karan is the son of Dimple Kapadia's sister Simple Kapadia, who was an actress and costume designer. Simple Kapdia has featured in films like Anurodh, Jeevan Dhara, Hum Rahe Na Hum and Dulha Bikta Hai. She won a National Award for Best Costume Design for Rudaali, which featured Dimple Kapadia in the lead role.
Meanwhile, Sunny Deol, who plays a pivotal role in Blank, is also busy with his son Karan Deol's debut film Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas, which the Gadar actor directing. Also starring newcomer Sahher Bambba, Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas is slated for July 2019 release.
(With inputs from IANS)