Disha Patani and her rumoured boyfriend Tiger Shroff went on a date again and guess who else joined the duo? Tiger's sister Krishna Shroff accompanied the two to a Mumbai restaurant on Wednesday evening and photos of Disha, Tiger and Krishna hanging out together are going crazy viral. While Tiger was casually dressed for the night-out, Disha Patani made a bold statement in a little black dress, which she accessorised with a sling bag and glitzy pumps. Krishna Shroff, who is a known fitness enthusiast, opted for trendy athleisure in grey and black for the dinner outing. Disha, Tiger and Krishna, who were photographed arriving together in the same car, quickly made their way to the restaurant.
Here are pictures of Tiger and Krishna Shroff chilling with Disha Patani:
This is not the first time that the paparazzi spotted Disha Patani and Krishna Shroff hanging out together. Earlier this year, the 26-year-old actress celebrated Friendship Day with not just Krishna but also Tiger's mother Ayesha Shroff. They were photographed exiting a suburban Mumbai restaurant after a lunch date.
Disha Patani and Tiger Shroff found a spot in gossip columns earlier this year for reports about their speculated break-up, soon after which, they made a couple entry to Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's wedding reception in Mumbai. Meanwhile, the Baaghi 2 co-stars also often catch up in and around Mumbai and are spotted checking in to and out of eateries in Bandra. Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani, who are amongst the most-followed stars on Instagram, reportedly went on a vacation to Sri Lanka earlier this year but carefully avoided posting photos together.
On the work front, Disha Patani is busy shooting for Salman Khan's Bharat while Tiger Shroff's line-up of films include Student Of The Year 2 and Baaghi 3.