Disha Patani is currently making memories at her friend's wedding. The actress, on Wednesday, shared several glimpses of the wedding festivities on her Instagram profile and they are simply amazing. Dressed in a blue lehenga set, the actress can be seen posing for mirror selfies and pictures in her recent posts. She completed her look with gold jewellery and matching footwear. Any guesses who styled her hair? Well, Disha Patani gave herself all the credit for her hairstyle and makeup. She wrote: "Hair and makeup by me... styling by Aastha Sharma." Reacting to Disha Patani's post, Krishna Shroff, who is the sister of the actress' rumoured boyfriend Tiger Shroff, commented: "Hair on POINT" and we totally agree with her.
Disha's sister Khushboo Patani loved the actress' look for her friend's wedding. She commented: "Looking gorgeous as always, behna."
That's not it, Disha's fans were also bowled over by her pictures. "Are you even real?!" commented one user and another wrote: "Amazing look, super cute."
Check out Disha Patani's post here:
The actress shared some more pictures of herself on her Instagram stories. Take a look at them
Just a day ago, Disha Patani sent the Internet into a tizzy by sharing a stunning photo of herself in a bikini. She can be seen soaking up the sun in a pool in the now-trending photo. See it here:
In terms of work, Disha Patani was last seen in Mohit Suri's Malang. Her next project is Salman Khan's Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai. The film will open in theatres on Eid this year.